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Music Class
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 Redefining Music Lessons for the Next Generation 

 Who We are
How We Teach
 What We Teach
 Our Approach
What We provide

Why Choose Us

Our classes are designed to cycle through key concepts throughout the year while allowing students to move at their own pace in their song selections. Each class offers ensemble play with other instruments and musicians, where kids can learn how to keep a steady tempo, play independently as band members, and enjoy various genres.

Sign Up Now

FInd out more about how you can be a part of our musical community. We are continually adding to our options for classes and private lessons at various locations in the Northern San Antonio area. Check out current opportunities here: 

Bucket Beats



Meet the Zainy Team

We want Kids to come away knowing they are part of ​something special.  That we care about them personally ​and want to invest in their musical journey every step ​of the way. “   Julie Seiber, Director

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Listen to Our Parents

"The way she weaves music appreciation, music history and music comprehension is incredible. The children truly learn to not only read and play music, but also gain a deep appreciation for it."

Lauren Haass Kiker

"When I take the kiddos to class, I’ll sit in the living room while they have their lesson. I can hear giggles and laughs coming from the music room. Occasionally the kids get a little rowdy, Julie kindly but firmly redirects them back to the lesson. The kids love going to classes each week!" 


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